Dr. Kim Sigouin Bennett, CISSN, ND

Naturopathic Doctor | Certified Sport Nutritionist

Hey there! I'm Dr. Kim S, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Sport Nutritionist with a passion for helping people achieve their optimal health and wellness. I believe in keeping things simple and getting back to the basics of healthy living, without all the fad diets and health hacks.

When I'm not in the office, you'll find me hiking in the mountains, playing sports, or practicing yoga. I'm a nature lover and animal enthusiast, with two awesome cats that keep me company.

I'm also a bit of a thrill-seeker, with a love for skydiving, bungee jumping, and extreme summit peaks. And let's not forget about my love for food - while I used to be an anxious and lazy cook, I've now become confident in the kitchen and love to explore new healthy recipes.

I'm excited to soon be an author and share my tips and tricks for sustainable health options with the world. And in the meantime, I'm always here to help you on your journey towards optimal health and wellness!