"Free is always a good place to start. I am always adding to this list; here are great people and resources in medicine and wellness that have helped me and others level up in life and in health. Anything from blog posts on natural cold remedies to free fitness apps to favourite reads, a wealth of knowledge lives here. Enjoy!" - Dr. Kim

Free Patient Resources

Patient Links and Resources

Resources for Patients: 

- Wet sock blog post: *coming soon, see blog posts

- Onion poultice blog post:  *coming soon, see
blog posts


Consciousness / Mindfulness / Mindset Medicine

- Gaia.com (I call it the Netflix for enlightenment and learning)

- Transcendental meditation
technique: https://www.tm.org/homepage-1?va-red=NzkyOTo5NTk1


Youtube Videos:

Conscious Alternate Nostril Deep breathing technique for calm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7re4bKxB3A

Lymphatic Drainage for congestion and sinus
pressure relief:

528 htz healing sleep music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=xsfyb1pStdw&t=8688s

Heel drops for reflux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs5xGSIB7pw


Good Books for Self Development:

- 7 spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra

- Metahuman - Deepak Chopra

- Food as Medicine - Todd Cadlecott

- The Polyvagal Theory - Stephen Porges

- Wherever you go, There you are – John Kabat Zinn (meditation for beginners)

- You are a Badass - Jen Sencero

  • Good Books for Health Deep Dive:

    - Preconception - Dr. Jodie Peacock

    - The Hormone Diet - Dr. Natasha Turner

    - Building a Healthier Child - Dr. Melina Roberts


  • Pregnancy Books and Resources: *more to come

    - Nurture - Erika Doutre

    - Expecting Better - Emily 

    - The First 40 Days

    - Preconception - Dr. Jodie Peacock

Podcasts/Cool people to check out

Cool people to check out: (no particular order)

- Wim hof, @wimhofmethod

- Rhonda Patrick, PhD - @foundmyfitness 

- Dr. Paul Anderson, NMD, @draonline (anything
immune, post covid/viral related – check his patient friendly youtube

- Brene Brown @brenebrown

- Gabor Mate, MD - www.drgabormate.com, @gabormatemd

- Dr. Barb Woegerer, ND - @drbarbwoegerer (all things magnesium!)

- Confident Clinician Club - Dr. Jordan Robertson, ND,

- Dr. Aviva Romm - @dr.avivaromm

Podcasts: *more to come

- Rhonda Patrick @foundmyfitness

- Dr. Jordan Robertson, ND @womenshealthunplugged 



  • Nike app (free workouts!)
  • Calm app (free meditations!)
  • Insight timer (great for body
    scans/guided meditations/ bells/sounds)
  • Water reminder drinking app
  • 7 minute workout app
  • good brain teaser apps: luminosity, crosswords, etc.

Period Tracker Apps:

- Clue

- Kindara
